2023/2024 Summer Series Registration Form

Race Entry

All riders must complete Race Entry before any race event.  Please complete this online, if possible, and make payment by direct debit before race day.


Each of the official statements on the form must be confirmed by the rider, as a requirement of race entry.


Riders may be required to submit to a drug or alcohol test at any event

*** Freshwater Asian Gold Clam Conditions***

Your JetSki and all your gear MUST be DRY and free of any foreign matter, for 72 hours prior to any event.

If your vessel has been in ANY other waterway in New Zealand, you are required to have undertaken the Check/Clean/Dry process before arrival in order to present a Clean and Dry craft and personal gear for Biosecurity / Scrutineering check.

You will be disqualified if either, your ski enters the water before Scrutineering, or if any biosecurity hazards are detected on your ski or any of your gear. 

All riders will be required to sign a bio security declaration upon vessel Scrutineering, to declare compliance and liability.

All vessels will be need to be sprayed with DX50 prior to entering the water. This will be done by an offical.

For the club to contact you with any changes to events or registrations
For the club to contact you with any changes to events or registrations.
To be completed if 18 years or under. Riders must be over 15 years of age in order to compete.
In case of emergency, this person will be the primary point of contact
Unsure of your class? Check out our rulebook, or email us directly on info@jetskiracingnz.com
Riders are entitled to race at just one event prior to becoming a member. All riders will need a current membership to rider more than one event
All riders must purchase the relevant licence in addition to the entry fee. Licence applications can be found on the main menu
To qualify for the Early Bird discount the Entry Fee and Day licence must be paid by the Wednesday evening prior to the event. All riders must purchase the relevant licence in addition to the entry fee.
If registration is being made after Early Bird cut off, please pay before the events start date.
DECLARATION No ski may be launched prior to commencement of the event or prior to scrutineering. All riders just declare that their ski and all gear (including wetsuit / helmet and lifevest) have not been on any lake, river or estuary within 72 hours of this event.
Payment via online banking: Jet Ski Racing New Zealand - Account number: 02-0112-0141545-25. Please note that EFTPOS IS NOT AVAILABLE on the day. Use your name as reference and let us know once payment has been made.