Our latest newsletter is LIVE!

Hi Everyone,

Our latest newsletter is LIVE and is available only to financial members of JSRNZ. We’d love you to join us, which you can do by heading over to our website and filling in our membership form which you can find here:
Membership Application – Jet Ski Racing New Zealand (jetskiracingnz.com)

But as a bit of a looksee, we’ve shared some content:

Looking Back on Yesterday

The results of the Onehunga round have been published on the website.  Take a quick look and see where you’re standing in the Winter Series.

Congratulations to all the riders who took part.  The conditions were typical of Winter events, with changeable weather, wind and rain, but the turnout was brilliant and we had a new champion emerge, with Tommy Cahill winning Ski GP3.  It was also great to welcome Blake Eva and Quentin Shearman back to Runabout GP3…

Our Takeaway Learning From The Day

When our venue is tide-dependent, we need to aim to arrive as early as possible.  We need all hands on deck, ready and willing to set the course, registered and scrutineered, in order to get racing underway, on time, and well before high tide. A big thank you to all those who pitched in and helped at both ends of the day. It was hard work, but your help was really appreciated.

Assistance Required

As with any club, our output is a direct result of the input!  The current Exec is a very small group and four of the six are active competitors who, in favour of providing the best experience for other riders, often prioritise event organisation over their participation.

Could you all please consider who you might be able to shoulder-tap as a volunteer, someone who could be available on race days to help.  It might be a family member, a lonely neighbour, a family friend; someone looking for a great social group to be involved with.

The roles are really pretty simple, setting up the venue (marquee, flags etc), calling ski numbers, manning a barbeque, inflating and deflating buoys, packing away etc. The more help we have the smoother our events will run, and we know how busy our members are on race day, as holders, mechanics, and pit crew.

Planning for Summer

This is well underway and is just waiting for confirmation of a few final details before we release the calendar.  We can confirm however that the season will be preceded by two Fun Days (Welcome to Racing Days), both to be held at Lake Waahi, Huntly.  The first of these will be held over the weekend of …

New Gear Rules

As you prepare for the next racing season, please note that back braces are compulsory for all classes and there are new regulations for helmets which will be mandatory from the beginning of the Summer Series.  As long as at least 50% of your helmet is fluro, it will be acceptable, so you won’t need to buy a new one…

Other items include:

JSRNZ Member’s Community Group, Exec Planning, AGM notices, 2023/24 race calendar, and much MUCH more.

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